When to call them?
When Emergencies Occur
When Objective Assessments Are Needed
When a Survival Strategy Is Demanded
When Experience and Judgment Are Essential
- Cash Crisis
- Pending bankruptcy
- No foreseeable end to losses
- Which units to close (and why)
- Failure of transition in top management
When Objective Assessments Are Needed
- Current direction is failing
- Growth exceeds financing capability
- Merger/Acquisition is being contemplated
- Lenders or equity partners are uncomfortable
- Site selection: Which to pursue (or avoid), and why
When a Survival Strategy Is Demanded
- Market moving away
- Current plan is failing
- Competitive edge has eroded
- Growth management issues: Where to grow? When? Why?
- Disagreement exists among senior management
- Roll-out strategy: where are the profitable customers?
When Experience and Judgment Are Essential
- Over 30 years each consulting to senior management
- Knowledgeable, decisive - yet considerate - professionals
- Each is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC), the highest accreditation worldwide in consulting
- All work performed only by the principals, who work only as a team
Outcalt and Johnson's focus is on your future.
It's not where you've been – or how you got there – that matters. Instead, the key question is: "Now, where could you go from here?"
Find out more about Pat and Dick. Just click any of these links: